Team of 9 doctors, Surgeons, Anaesthelogist, Plastic Surgeons from Malaysia joined by a few doctors from Australia were present to carry out this mission.
With the presence of medical volunteers and financial support provided by Rotary Club Likas Bay, LuChou, Taipei and Rotarians from Kuching Central , Penang and Senawang Seremban and personal donation by many Rotarians in the TEAM. Rotarians and medical volunteers who spent so much time with this mission. Together we have been able to provide a better future to those 38 patients who have been operated.
Project lead by RC Likas Bay D3310.
Day 1. 9th March 2023.
18 surgeries carried out for kids from age 1 to 18.
Day 2. 10th March 2023
20 surgeries completed