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Rotary Club of Penang Bulletin


A Provision Donation Drive to Feed the Needy

Rotary Club of Penang (RCP) has officially launched the event ‘Bliss Shelf’. This event was implemented in conjunction with the Sponsors from RCSI & UCS Malaysia Campus (RUMC) Christian Fellowship (CF), Rotaract Club, Generous individual volunteers, corporates and many more. This Bliss Shelf / Blessing Shelf is to address the need for food assistance.

This innovative idea has responds to the needs of people who have been badly impacted by the deteriorating and fatal pandemic, especially the M40 group and below (the unemployed, trishaw riders, foreigners and the elderly) whoever in the Padang Kota area of Mukim13. Monetary donation was accepted from the 14th of July till Dec’15 of this year and all the funds which is higher than RM100 is eligible for Tax exemption. Funds collected have been used to purchase the provision items for distribution.

Every week 100 packs of provision items planned to distribute and planned to carry it for 20 more weeks, which is an astonishing 2000 packs of provision items. Rotary club of Penang also in talks with Inner Wheels club, which is running by the ladies most of them are spouses of current and past Rotarians and getting more plans to expand the helps which are centric to ladies, kids, infants, and elderly people.

Rotary Club of Penang would like to express special thanks to the sponsorship parties – CF, RUMC, Tesco Lotus Store and most importantly all the fellow Rotarians who worked hard to achieve this mission from planning to execution. August 1st Penang Chief Minister is about to inaugurate this event and starting very first distribution to the Mukim-13 and around people. RCP would also like to express their utmost gratitude to all donors for their warm-heartedness that has made the Bliss Shelf a very grand success. As part of this distribution drive, we aimed to donate ~20,000 plus packs of provision items to the needy.

Taking this moment to appreciate and recognize our key Rotarian volunteer for contributing to the Organizing Committee and their hard work to make it from plan to implementation.

Project Chairman – Rtn. Ramesh Ramasamy

Vice Chairman – Rtn. Amreet Singh Gill

External COMM & Chief Guest invitation – PP Dato Tan

CSR/External fund flow coordination – President Eric Ong

Padang Kota communications – Ily Iskandar

Public Imaging Director – Petri

Finance Matters – Boon Hoe

Community Project Director – Hanley Ong

& RUMC cum Rotarian – Prof Dr David Whitford

To donate to this project click here

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BH Tan
BH Tan
Oct 01, 2021

Has there been any contributions received from the public through the link provided above?

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