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Rotary Club of Penang Bulletin


First time in history this event was fully online. You can see the full event in this recording:

Venue: Zoom Meeting

Date: 20th August 2021

Time: 7:30pm


1. PDG Dato Dr Santokh Singh

2. AG Stephanie Wong

3. PAG Dr Ranjit Singh

4. PAG Dato Seri Tan Gin Soon

5. PAG Dato Tharumarajah Thiagarajan

6. PP Dato Seri Chet Singh

7. PP Dato Seri Lee Yeow Ching

8. PP Dato Seri Mustasfa Jumabhoy

9. PP Ian Ong

10. PP Tan Boon Hoe

11. PP Dato Ramanathan Nachiappan

12. IPP Dr Jeyalakshmi Ratnavale

13. Pres Eric Ong

14. Rtn Dr Amreet Singh Gill

15. Rtn Ms Elise Foong

16. Rtn Ms Ily Iskandar

17. Rtn Michel Alphonse Lucien Van Crombrugge

18. Rtn Ms Oo Huei Ying

19. Rtn Petri Karjalainen

20. Rtn Mr Ramesh Ramasamy

21. Rtn Mr Tharmayogan a/l A. Muthukumar

Guest of Honour:

District Governor Dato Bindi Rajasegaran

Invited Guest:

1. PDG Leslie Salehuddin …………

2. AG Asokan Kandiah………………

3. PP Khushroo Dastur……………..

4. IPP Roger Ng……………………….

5. Rtn Choo Choi Teik …………….

6. Rtn K Sangan………………………

7. Rtn K K Looi ………………………

8. Rtn Michael Lee…………………. Rotract Club Penang

9. Rtn Motish Kumar ……………..Sister Club RC Guindy

10. Rtn Roger Ong…………………

11. Rtn Ronny Tan…………………

12. Rtn Veronica Yip……………..

13. PP William Wong………………Sister Club RC Hongkong East

14. Rty Ann Bhajan

15. Rty Ann Faye

16. Mr Gerard Robless

17. Mr Lalit Shah

18. Mr Peter Ong

19. Mr Vincent Lai


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